Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Others Featured on Rolling Stone Covers Who Never Became President

Just so appearing on the cover of Rolling Stone doesn't go to Obama's head, we'll remind him that the list of luminaries who were similarly honored, but who never became president, includes: Howard Dean, Al Gore, and Chewbacca:

Rolling Stone, Obama and "The Magical Negro"

The latest Rolling Stone cover, featuring an almost luminous Barack Obama, has drawn lots of comment at THE AV CLUB.

Some quotes:

"Does Rolling Stone think Obama is:

--The totally awesome, glowing, superhero/savior spawn of Jesus and Superman
--The radioactive president of America's dreams
--A dewy Venus, majestically stepping forth from a serene ocean mist, but, like also a guy who's running for president.
--The late-90s sitcom character, Teen Angel.
--Not just the president of the ShinySuit 3000 Club For Men, but also a client.
--Zeus for a new age.
--Some kind of space hero, or whatever
--Mr. Cloudo, President of Heaven ?"

But we thought a reference to a mythical "Magical Negro" of legend, lore (and maybe Hollywood) was intriguing. If you're not too familiar with the term, here's the Wikopedia article, which includes a reference to Obama.

And here's the picture itself:

NOBama Gear

Thought it would be fun to see what's available, a quick search turned up these.

Please note, we have NO AFFILIATION with any other NOBama website:
(Cafe Press, the mother of all NOBama links)

What She Said - But Was Geraldine Ferraro Right?

Much has been made about Geraldine Ferraro's comments that Obama's race has helped propel him to the threshold of the Democratic nomination.

But has anyone actually given a thought as to whether her comments are true?

I'd like to examine this in more detail, but for now, here's a quick litmus test:
Where do you think Obama's quest for the presidency would be RIGHT NOW if he were not Black?

My thought is that Obama would be a 'northern' version of John Edwards. The similarities are striking - they are both likeable, respected, liberal, light on experience. For a while, when they seemed to be tag-teaming Hillary Clinton in the debates, they were even dubbed "EDWAMA".

Being Black has given credibility to Obama's claim that he would bring change, since the mere fact of his election would be a major change. It's also given him the safety net of having the support of an ethnic group that's voting for him in unprecedented amounts - 9 out of 10 according to some Mississippi exit polls.

None of this should imply that Senator Obama is not without considerable qualifications, nor that he might not have someday obtained the nomination were he not Black. But comparing those very qualifications to John Edward's, and realizing how far from the presidency Edwards currently is, I do believe that Obama would not be where he is RIGHT NOW if not for his race.

Monday, March 10, 2008

"This Bitch Makes Hillary Clinton Look Like Miss Congeniality"

Funniest quote we've heard all campaign.

Perhaps a little harsh, but we've seen Hillary called the anti-Christ (literally) and a 'monster', so I guess all's fair:

"This Bitch Makes Hillary Clinton Look Like Miss Congeniality"

Just Say NOBama !

Friday, March 7, 2008

Latest Obominations

- Obama on Going Negative - he's been there, done that

- Monster's Bawl - Obama senior aide steps up the negative attacks

- Obama not ready for 3 A.M. according to senior adviser

- Obama's Greatest Fear - They'll be serving 'Rice' at the GOP wedding

Just Say NOBama !

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Obama Supporters: "He's Not That Black"

In yet another unsubstantiated whine, Obama supporters are claiming that a Clinton campaign ad features doctored images to "Make Him 'Blacker'".

The claim is based upon a YouTube posting, and Clinton staffers have indicated that it does not accurately portray the actual ad as aired on TV.

One more reason to Just Say NOBama !

BARACKtoid - Can't Win Whitehouse Without Ohio!

Here's an interesting BARACKtoid - no candidate in recent history, Democrat or Republican, has won the White House without winning the Ohio primary.

One more reason to Just  Say  NOBama !

Obama Trails Total Popular Vote Count

As of March 5, 2008, Hillary Clinton's wins in Ohio, Texas & Rhode Island have vaulted her to a narrow lead in the total popular vote count:

Clinton: 13,563,192 Obama: 13,522,829

Source: Real Clear Politics

Just Say NObama

Monday, March 3, 2008

Can I Call Obama a Bonehead - Or Would That Be Racist?

Obama's relationship with indicted businessman Antoin "Tony" Rezko is under renewed scrutiny, in part because of what Obama himself calls a "boneheaded" real estate deal he made with Rezko.

I whole-heartedly agree with Senator Obama's self-assessment, but I'm a little leary of hanging the "bonehead" tag on him. In a normal election year, I wouldn't care, but this election is far from normal. We've heard so many times that such-and-such a comment is racially insensitive, that this photo is a religious smear, etc.

The problem is that everytime I hear the word "bonehead", the visual image that pops into my head is from a childhood cartoon in which a little pygmy cannibal with a bone knotted in his hair chases some hapless character (Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny, I don't know) to try to get him into the cookpot.

Neither I, nor Senator Obama, I'm sure, wish to offend pygmies or cannibals by implying that he has anything in common with either group. But words are very powerful, as we've come to learn over these past several months, so it's best to tread carefully.

One saving grace is that you can apparently use the offending word if you yourself are a member of the group likely to be offended. Thus, the political correctness of rappers using the "N" word or gay activists the "F" word.

Since I've done so many bone-headed things myself that I'm just about a card-carrying member of the club, I'm going to go out on a limb and say, "Yes, Senator Obama, you are a bonehead."

It is an accolade that you and I both will probably earn many times over :)

"The Obama Craze: Count Me Out"

This was previously posted elsewhere, and at the time I was impressed with it's very thoughtful analysis of Obama's record.

Well, it turns out that it was written by Matt Gonzalez, whom Ralph Nader subsequently picked as his running mate. Evidence, I guess, that Obama's not an automatic magnet for progressive and/or independent voters.
"A very intelligent analysis from someone - young, urban, progressive - would be the sterotypical Obama supporter, yet can see through the hype:"

Just Say NObama links:

Hillary Edges Back to National Lead

March 3, 2008: The latest Rasmussen Report Poll shows Hillary leading Obama for the first time in three weeks, also picks her as having best chance vs. John McCain candidate:

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Obama Accusation Creates International Incident

An unsubstantiated accusation that Barack Obama made against Hillary Clinton's campaign has created an international incident. The controversy revolves around an AP photo taken during Obama's official, US government sanctioned trip to Africa as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 2006. The photo, which shows Obama in traditional Somali tribal dress, has been posted on the Internet without complaint since 2006 at the following website:

However, after a copy of the photo appeared on the Drudge Report website, Obama campaign manager David Plouffe accused the Clinton campaign Monday of "shameful offensive fear-mongering" by "circulating the photo as an attempted smear."

In a radio interview, Obama himself contributed to the controversy by commenting, "The notion that the Clinton campaign would be trying to circulate this as a negative on the same day that Sen. Clinton was giving a speech about how we repair our relationships around the world is sad."

As of yet, none of the allegations against the Clinton camp have been substantiated, but because of the credance given them by the Obama camp, US allies in Kenya are outraged. Kenyan tribal elders are planning protests in their community, and are turning up the heat on the US government over the incident, reportedly planning to file an official complaint with the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi.

More details at: